For a variety of reasons, there is too much carbon (and other elements) loose in our atmosphere for the status quo to continue. Reduction of this excess (carbon sequestration) can be accomplished by a wide range of activities. It can be captured and pumped back into the depths from which some of it was released as coal, oil or natural gas. (I don't know how they do that.) It can be captured in the oceans and used to revitalize depleted feeding grounds. (Another amazing opportunity, but I don't know how to do that, either.)
It can also be captured in the growing tissues of plants. Forests, prairies and wetlands require massive amounts of carbon for rich, abundant growth. (Finally, something that I do know how to accomplish.) Beyond the genuine and heartfelt satisfaction we experience in these areas, they provide substantial profit for the developed (and undeveloped) parts of our world.
Setting aside the environmental benefits, forests grow jobs. Forests provide the raw material for construction, energy generation and a destination for tourism. Prairies pull carbon from the air and sink it deep in the soil and continue building on top of it for thousands of years, unless you plow it and crop it. A healthy prairie benefits from managed grazing and will feed many people, sequester enormous amounts of carbon and guide rainfall back into the deep reservoirs that have been depleted. Wetlands sequester carbon as well as nitrous oxide and methane. Wetlands regulate waterflow and reduce flooding, provide breeding and feeding grounds for waterfowl and other wildlife, filter pollutants from the water and provide profit from hunting and other wildlife related sports. (I birdwatch.)
Having an economic incentive to maintain these areas for local financial gain assures that they will not suffer the ax to make way for a "real" crop.