The Gound Up
Entering into long-term lease contracts directly with private landowners allows large tracts of land to be reforested and maintained at a profit for the landowner, corporation and investors as well as sequestering tons of greenhouse gases.

The majority of land that will be managed by UCIC will begin as marginal land or land that is already degraded. The first step in the management plan will be to stabilize the soil. Whatever crop is used, the ability of the planting to rebuild the topsoil and create a profitable harvest will determine the continued success of that property in the program. The Landowner must show a profit and have the incentive to continue planting the land instead of promoting construction to generate income.

As the properties in a region begin to re-stabilize the watershed, more in-depth restoration can begin. The plantings will be composed of native plants that have historically found profitable markets. The diversity of the planting will increase to include plants that require the more fertile conditions now available in the second or third rotation. Restoration of under-story vegetation is also important because the symbiotic relationship between these plants allows the ecosystem to re-establish a new balance.

I would like to think that it will be possible to "turn back time" and restore our planet to a pristine condition. Unfortunately, I don't think that will be possible. What is possible is to save as much a we can and help it find a new melody. Many plants and animals are gone and others will have the opportunity to fill those niches in the system of checks and balances that we have made vacant.

In order to save our place on the planet we must find our niche. Satisfying the human hunger for technology and wilderness, peace and concerts requires that we find enough profit in the wilderness to justify that it remain "undeveloped"

The real success of this program will be properties that are replanted, remaining profitable to the landowners for the next one thousand years.